Hidden Gem
Iceland Roady 2017 - How it all started
Christian is a cultured man, and therefore he has taken a lot of virginities in his time. This, well this was just another one he added to his list, but don’t worry, this one also ended in regret and crying – not the normal regret and crying he was used to but regret from taking so long to start and crying from happiness.
Christian and I had met about 2 years before this through the fraternity. But he was another one of those cases where I was too busy and didn’t care to talk to all the new pledges asides from ‘educating them’. I truly met Christian though during a summer of a door-knocking job. He started to work for the company about a month after me in June. He also moved into the same house as me that summer, and naturally we we started to hang out almost all day every day between this shit door-knocking job, living together, and both working at the bar after I convinced my boss to hire him.
The ‘problem’ (not an us problem, but soon to be an our employer problem) started when we were put together to knock on doors in the same area.
We started to just constantly talk – instead of work – about how fucking awful this job was and how there are so many better things to be doing. We both hit that rut of no money at the same time and we really really wanted to quit, but we were promised the golden land of sales the following week for a work road trip. So we stuck it out and drove 11 hours to the hotel with the rest of the team.
We got dropped off at a “prime” around noon and naturally instantly went to the nearest liquor store to get a handful of Rockstar vodkas because there was truly no other way to do this job. We got back to the area and sat down for 30 minutes talking about the hate for the job getting a buzz on and then finally got our asses up and started to knock.
We both started on the same street opposite sides. The street had about 5 blocks from the major road we started at to the railroad tracks at the end by a school.
By the end of the first block we both knew we had been lied to.
Not one person had any interest in what we were doing and wanted nothing to do with us on their front porch. I insisted we persist until at least the end of the 5 blocks.
We discussed giving this city a chance and sticking out for the two weeks were here then quit, then it went to okay let’s decide by the end of week one, then the end of three days, then the end of THAT day, then the end of THAT road. This was all over the course of 10 minutes.
Needless to say, we made it all of 3 blocks total on that road until we gave up and sat on a curb around 2 pm and decided quitting was what we were doing.
This right here. This moment. I would like to thank Christian.
We sat on that curb and realized that this job is as much fun as digging your eyeballs out with a goddamn rusty fucking Spork. Our manager was a dickhead (kind of no offense if my boss ever reads this but I stand by my point). Lastly, we were both tired of both job and boss and were going to do something about it. This unbeknownst to me, was also the moment I developed my own ‘yes theory’ which is just say yes to anything and figure it out later.
Christian popped out the idea of “let’s quit, let’s go Iceland, I’ve always wanted to go”. This 11-hour Windsor trip was the farthest trip my sheltered ass ever experienced. So naturally I replied with “fuck it, I’m down”
I’ve never had anything that big happen that fast. We proceeded to walk to the nearest Tim Horton’s and we sat down. We booked our train tickets home for the next morning at 5:30 am then booked 2 flights to Iceland as well.
This idea got real fucking real, real fucking fast.
We walked to the school at the end of our road and sat there talking about traveling until we got picked up at around 930pm. The following morning we got up at 4 am, left our hotel room, cabbed to the train station, and took the train home.
We blocked everyone’s number from the company that we had and we were on our way. We got back to Ottawa and finalized the rest of the trip by booking a rental car and getting me everything I needed to travel. This included a 65L bag, actual shoes, a toiletry bag, and so on because I literally had nothing. I did forget to mention that this all had to be done as soon as possible because the flight to Iceland left from Toronto and we were still in Ottawa and it left in 3 days.
On the day before Christian also said he was going to St Maarten as well so naturally, I said “fuck it, I’m down” again then we booked another week on top of the 2 weeks already in Iceland. Then we drove to Toronto, leaving behind that shitty job and the people we didn’t give a shit about that we worked with, here’s the key part though, we did it with a “Christian-ism mindset” if you will – WITHOUT GIVING A FUCK.
If you wanna experience the best 3 week Iceland road trip you could ever have of our drive with bubu check out the wb vis itin below
Calgary - How it all started ..again
we fucking hated our lives we didnt travel we were so much fucking debt from trying to start a company and app and it was a terrible time
calgary was old school dumb shenanigans found the love for travelling again – not beacuse we needed to do it fro the app because we simply just fucking wanted to
the death of bubu lead this trip to a bitter end #sorrygermandudeswhoboughtmycar
Lastly, if you wanna see ALL the deats of our drive with bubu check out the wb vis itin below
Moroccan Madness
everything i did in morocco
casablanca – yt – https://youtu.be/OHDDQz3YdYE?si=86ZL0zCuRCI_RlrL
fes – peep the youtube – https://youtu.be/bZnF1cxSxUo?si=4xMOJtLWctUd-DWs
christian is fat so he wanted me to tell about the food – https://youtu.be/X9E6FHUC5sQ?si=Zg8jRM4yQJ4PcWqj
still need to go to agadir in the south and marakesh
Lastly, if you wanna see ALL the deats of my trip to Morocco check out the wb vis itin below